RFA Ethanol Podcast

The Big O is 8-0!

Leah Guffey

556174_10150865571274171_1807115485_nIt was a big celebration last week when NAFB past president and long time WGN Radio farm broadcaster, Orion Samuelson turned 80. Orion has been on WGN Radio for 53 and a half years. Yes, the half counts!

As a young girl growing up in Illinois, I have listened to Orion report the numbers, listened to his noon shows with his side-kick, Max Armstrong for my entire life. I’ve watched many Illinois State Fair Sale of Champions, where Orion is the emcee and interviews all the junior exhibitors just before they sell their animal benefiting Illinois 4-H and FFA. He has a street named after him in Chicago, a building on the Illinois State Fairgrounds and his book of memoirs, You Can’t Dream Big Enough. He was once on the short list to be named Secretary of Agriculture, has traveled to 43 countries and even has his own plane, Air Orion. I know he definitely helped influence my decision to talk about agriculture on the radio and now online. The picture here is of Tricia Braid, Pam Fretwell, Orion, and me during NAFB Convention back in 2006, I think.

Happy 80th Birthday, Orion!

You can watch a clip that was on WGN-TV last week, highlighting Orion’s more than 50 years with the Tribune Company.

Media, NAFB, Video