RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Seed World Editor

Cindy Zimmerman

classic14-julie-dCongrats to Julie Deering (née Douglas) who has been named new editor of Seed World.

We just saw Julie last week at the Commodity Classic and Bayer CropScience Ag Issues Forum, where she was busily gathering content to use in upcoming Seed World issues. This probably means we will get to see her again at the American Seed Trade Association annual meeting and seed expo this year. That’s where we first made her acquaintance, before Mike Deering married her and moved her to Missouri where he is head of the state cattlemen’s association.

Julie is thrilled to join the Seed World team. “The seed industry is at the heart of innovation, making better use of technology and data,” she says. “There’s an enormous challenge that looms over the seed industry, but there’s never been a more exciting time to be a part of the industry.”

Her new job will be to lead the editorial direction and provide the execution that is required to maintain the publication’s reputation as the leading source of information for the global seed industry. She previously served as managing editor for Top Producer and director of communications for the American Seed Trade Association.

Media, Seed