Have you ever crouched down on the floor and been eye-level with a 19-month old? Did you take a look at the world around you to understand how intimidating it may seem? How TALL the counter is (especially if there’s a candy bar just within arm’s reach), and how far away things seem?
I’m reminded of this when I’m in the car, too. It’s a magical day when your infant grows into a forward-facing car seat and the world around them changes and they’re no longer seeing things in reverse. But I’m also careful when I say, “Look out the window at that cow!” My daughter cranes her neck to see and hope that she’s able to take in the beauty I can see out of my own window.
For his birthday, I got my son a Lego digital camera. He has taken pictures of French fries, friends, his sister, my parents’ dog, and his favorite for some reason, our red couch. He’s a photographer in training! Last night when he wanted to take pictures of his cousins and found the camera was full, we plugged in the USB to pull a few off and free up some space. As I was deleting blurry ones (and ones of me in my workout gear!), I came across this picture. After harvest, he must have taken his camera in the car and I didn’t notice. For a $30 camera in the hands of a 5-year-old, I thought this was quite the scenic image!
I don’t know if he had to hold the camera up in the air because his booster seat sits too low, but from his perspective, this was a picture worth taking. And I think it’s a picture worth writing about.
Until we walk again …