RFA Ethanol Podcast

PERC Renews Farm Incentive Program

Joanna Schroeder

The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) has renewed the funding for propane-fueled farm equipment. Farmers who purchase propane in 2014 will be eligible for up to $5,000 in purchase incentives through the 2014 Propane Farm Incentive Program. PERC works directly with original equipment manufacturers to develop and commercialize new propane-fueled farm equipment.

Propane Farm Incentive Program LogoAccording to PERC, the program saw record results in 2013, with PERC distributing more than $627,000 in purchase incentives to producers across the U.S. A total of 219 farmers purchased new propane irrigation engines, grain dryers and other qualifying equipment, and provided PERC with feedback and performance data.

“The success of the 2013 program shows that farmers are taking notice of the cost-saving benefits that American-made propane has to offer,” said Mark Leitman, director of business development and marketing at PERC. “New technologies are helping farmers cut their input costs and increase their profits, while reducing harmful impacts to the environment.”

Producers who upgrade to cost-saving and efficient propane-fueled farm equipment can receive purchase incentives of up to $5,000 on qualified propane irrigation engines, grain dryers, ag heaters, generators, and more. Producers are invited to enroll in the 2014 program, and performance data collected from program participants will be used to inform future product development.

“Propane is an extremely versatile fuel, and PERC is continually working with manufacturers to improve and build on existing technology,” Leitman said. “The feedback and performance data we receive from farmers who participate in the Propane Farm Incentive Program helps us build better technology to meet the needs of those who use it the most: farmers.”

Click here for more information about the Propane Farm Incentive Program or to see a list of eligible equipment.

Agribusiness, Propane