RFA Ethanol Podcast

Sampling Farm House Natural Cheeses

Chuck Zimmerman

CFWF Bike Tour StopGeorge Boyes and Debra Amrein-Boyes, owners of The Farm House Natural Cheeses hosted the farm bikers during our Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation tour. Debra welcomed us with a presentation about the farm their milk and delicious cheeses. We sampled a couple of those cheeses. None was left on the plate or in the bowl!

The Farm House Natural Cheeses is a good example of how farmers adapt to circumstances since they’ve diversified their farm to focus on their love for dairy and producing high quality cow and goat cheeses. My favorite sample was a Chevre on crackers topped with honey.

You can listen to presentation here: Debra Amrein-Boyes Presentation
The Farm House Natural Cheeses produces handmade artisan cheeses and specialties from the rich,fresh milk of the farm’s own dairy cows and goats. Everything is made right on our family farm in British Columbia’s beautiful Fraser Valley. In our on-farm cheese shop you can sample and purchase all of the different varieties of cheeses that we make plus seasonal specialties. The milk is delivered directly from the dairy to the cheese room, where you can look in on the cheese-making process. Treat yourself to an Italian-style gelati ice cream and go for a self-guided tour to visit our farm animals.

2013 Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation Photo Album

Audio, Farming, International