This week Aunt Jeanette writes:
We played that game with our three sons whenever we were “on the road.” They became pretty good at it and many times could stump their dad and me.
When I drove in my driveway one evening after working at our elevator (another story, another time) and got out of my pickup, I looked down and quickly took this picture. It reminded me of that I Spy game we played in our car many years ago. Yes, there were disagreements and accusations of cheating, (“That’s not fair! We passed that 10 miles ago!”) but also much laughter, thinking and interaction.
When I meet cars on the road now, nine times out of ten, the kids and/or parents are hooked up to electronic devices and are in their own little world. (This is the point in the story that you can call me old-fashioned. That’s okay. I’m used to it. But nobody will ever convince me that any form of technology will take the place of good old face-to-face, heart-to-heart verbal conversation between people.) Don’t get me wrong – technology has its place. I type these stories on my laptop, email them to Melissa, take pictures with my phone, make books on my computer for our grandkids, etc. Plus we incorporate many forms of technology in our farming operation. However, there is also a lot to be learned by playing games and talking with your kids – yep, we even learned from the disagreements and arguments.
By the way, did you spy the small butterfly hiding on my flowers?
Now, I spy with my tired little eye, something on my living room wall telling me tomorrow morning will be here before I am ready for it!
Until we walk again …