2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Monsanto Increases Corn Rootworm Research Dollars

Leah Guffey

monsanto-postMonsanto Company is ponying up an additional $3 million in corn rootworm academic research which will extend the program, started earlier in the year, to 2016.  

Research projects that are rootworm-based will be able to receive up to $250,000 per year for three years. Areas of research include; economics of corn rootworm management, the development of predictive models, the characterization of resistance, and the development of broad survey methods.

USDA estimates that damage and the cost associated with controlling corn rootworm is $1 billion annually.  They further breakdown the estimate to $800 million in yield loss and $200 million in prevention.  Dr. Dusty Post, Monsanto’s Global Insect Management Lead is co-chair of the CRW Knowledge Research Project Advisory Committee.  I had a chance to catch up with Dr. Post and discuss how important the research is to managing this pest.Interview with Dr. Dusty Post

Anyone interested in applying for funding or have any other interests in the study should go to  www.monsanto.com/crwknowledge for key dates and instructions on how to apply.

Audio, Corn, Research