2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Getting to Know Ag Leader

Melissa Sandfort

Insights WeeklyHere is the next in our series as we introduce you to a few of dedicated precision ag equipment dealers in a series called “Getting to Know Ag Leader”.

We caught up with Ronnie Sherrod of Hale Center Coop Supply Hale Center, TX:

1. From an agronomy standpoint, what do you consider to be the biggest issues facing growers today?

  • Weed Resistance
  • Companies breeding new varieties and coming to market at a faster pace
  • The tremendous amount of information that is available for them to consider

Weed resistance is a real problem in our area and will continue until the farmer takes steps to start using different chemistry on their crops.

Companies are coming to the market with newer varieties so quickly that it requires me as a dealer to really keep up with the changes so that recommendations can be made to fit the customer’s needs.

The information pipeline is so full that it is sometimes hard for the farmer to make a decision on what he needs. That is where we have to spend more and more of our time to keep up with the technology so that we can make the right recommendation for the farmer to be profitable.

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2. Tell us about how growers in your area are using precision agriculture.
Our growers are basically using precision agriculture for steering. We are starting to see more strip-til application being done. This is helping us as a dealer show them how they can use the equipment they already have to monitor their applications and remove clutter in the cab.

3. What benefits are growers seeing by using precision ag on their farms? Give us some examples.
One of the best examples we have here is the farmers that are using strip-til are using smaller applicators than their planters. Ag Leader has the accuracy to strip-til 12-30 inch rows and come back with their 16 row planter and be right where they need to plant.

4. What do you believe is on the horizon when it comes to technology and agriculture?
I think we have only scratched the surface when using wireless technology in precision agriculture. We are seeing farmers with their smartphones being able to monitor their center pivots and irrigation wells. In my opinion, wireless technology in precision agriculture is here and will become more and more important as just another tool to make the farmer more efficient.

5. What’s your best piece of advice to a grower who might be looking at using precision ag products?
Talk to those farmers that are now using precision ag. Do not be afraid to ask what they like or dislike about the technology. Ask them about the dealer who sold them the system. What kind of service do they offer. Then go and visit with the dealer and start small. As they get more comfortable with the technology then they can add features that will make them more efficient.

Check back next month to “Get to Know” another Ag Leader dealer!

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Ag Leader, Agribusiness