RFA Ethanol Podcast

You Are What You Eat

Melissa Sandfort

shreddedwheatAunt Jeanette writes this week …

You’ve heard that expression, haven’t you? Well, if it holds true, our three sons grew up to be hay bales, augers and tractor tires!

Ha! I bet you thought you were eating plain cereal, right? Wrong. Those were actually hay bales you were eating. And instead of the regular spaghetti noodles, we had augers to go with that yummy spaghetti sauce for lunch. The next morning’s breakfast may have consisted partly of tractor tires.

These are only some of the funnier and more creative foods our three young sons ate while they were growing up. You’d never guess they grew up on a farm, would you? Between the three of them, believe me, we never lacked for entertainment, humor or excitement! They are all grown up now with homes or families of their own. And, oh, how I miss those mealtimes that brought out their creativity. Now I can only imagine what our grandchildren are eating!

The next time you eat Shredded Wheat, rotini, French Twirl donuts, or any other food, let your ‘inner farmer’ out. You will see (and eat) things you never imagined!

I think I will make an auger salad for lunch – and be reminded of those happy mealtimes…

Until we walk again …
