RFA Ethanol Podcast

Happy Fourth of July!

Melissa Sandfort

flowersAunt Jeanette joins us again today:

I love plants and flowers. My house used to look like a jungle – until we added a sunroom. When I was teaching, if I had a particularly challenging day at school, I would come home and repot a couple of plants. It was my therapy. Word got around at school (and in town), and I became “the plant doctor.” Other teachers and friends would bring me their half-dead plants to save. I usually could take their “sticks” and turn them into beautiful, healthy plants – with a little TLC, Miracle Gro, and time.

My parents have green thumbs, as did all my grandparents. Their gardens and flower beds made Earl May look like an amateur! I would like to think I have inherited some of their ability to care for living things.

As I was watering this morning and just enjoying my outside plants, I looked at this particular basket and thought, “These are perfect flowers for the Fourth of July!” The heat and wind have taken their toll, but they still show off the colors that symbolize our country’s freedom.

So, here’s to celebrating the USA and the Red, White and Blue!

Until we walk again …
