2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Time For LMA Socializing

Chuck Zimmerman

Past WLAC ChampsWe have had a business meeting going on here at the 2013 Livestock Marketing Association Annual Convention for the past two days. Tonight it was time to relax and socialize. Big thanks to Montgomery Stockyards for sponsoring an excellent Fat Boy’s Bar-B-Que Ranch dinner at Union Station.

During our supper we heard from several folks and then all the past World Livestock Auctioneer Champions came up for a photo opportunity with Bailey Ballou, the 2012 Champion. It was an emotional time since Bailey will be turning over the reigns to a new champion tomorrow. I’ve updated my photos so please feel free to enjoy and share. I’ve got lots more interviews to share with you soon.

2013 LMA/WLAC Photo Album

Ag Groups, LMA