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LMA Convention/WLAC Kicks Off

Chuck Zimmerman

Mark Mackey, Gov. Robert Bentley, Tim StarksThe 2013 Annual Convention of the Livestock Marketing Association and 50th World Livestock Auctioneer Championship has kicked off here in Montgomery, AL. Alabama Governor Robert J. Bentley, welcomed attendees and talked about the importance of farmers. The Governor is pictured center with Mark Mackey, CEO, LMA on the left and Tim Starks, President, LMA on the right.

I’ll be providing coverage of the meetings here and will also be participating as a judge in the auctioneer competition through Saturday morning. I’ve got lots of photos to share already which you can find here: 2013 LMA/WLAC Photo Album

Hear what Gov. Bentley had to say: Alabama Gov. Robert J. Bentley Remarks

LMA President Tim Starks opened up the general session that just ended. You can listen to his remarks here: Tim Starks, LMA President, Opening Remarks

Ag Groups, Audio, Livestock, LMA