Snakes in a Backpack

Melissa Sandfort

snake(Another article from Aunt Jeanette….and so many thanks for sharing these stories)

Maybe garter snakes are good for something – but they scare the living daylights out of me. I even get these “feelings,” kind of like ESP, when I am about to run over a snake with the lawn mower.

I mentioned before that I was a teacher, third grade to be exact. One day I had stayed in the classroom during lunch to check papers and prepare for the afternoon, when my class returned from eating. I was busily working at my desk, but noticed some activity by the coats and backpacks. Finally, I heard a little boy’s anxious whisper, “I think we had better tell her.” I replied, “Yes, you had better tell me – and fast!”

A girl’s voice said, “Mrs. Shaw, there are two garter snakes in my backpack and they aren’t very happy.” Using all the courage and self-control I could muster, my reply was, “I don’t think I would be very happy if I had been in a backpack all morning either! And, just why are there snakes in your backpack?”

This was a business deal and the little girl was selling the snakes to someone after school. Needless to say, the snakes had to go to a nearby cornfield, and the business deal was off. I hope I didn’t end her hopes of a career in either business or reptiles. It really was quite a creative venture.

I still wonder where my “feelings” were that morning…..

Until we walk again …
