North American Agricultural Journalists Meeting

Chuck Zimmerman

NAAJ Second AmendmentsThe North American Agricultural Journalists are holding their annual meeting in Washington, DC. It’s not all about work.

Thanks to Chris Clayton, DTN/Progressive Farmer, for sharing the photo. This is the Second Amendments playing for the group last night. I’ve seen the band several times and they do a great job. The band is led by House Agriculture Committee ranking member Collin Peterson, D-Minn. The band includes Peterson, lead singer and rhythm guitar; Rep. Stephen Fincher, R-Tenn., on bass and vocals; Former Rep. Kenny Hulshof, R-Mo., on drums and vocals; and Manning Feraci, a former Hulshof aide, as lead guitar player.

North American Agricultural Journalists is a professional, international group of agricultural editors and writers with a membership spanning the United States and Canada. Formerly the Newspaper Farm Editors of America, and then the National Association of Agricultural Journalists, it was organized in 1952 to promote the highest ideals of journalism and agricultural coverage.

I hope to get to attend this meeting in the future.
