Summer is coming, I can feel it. That may be wishful thinking, but a person can dream, right? A few warmer afternoons has me itching to be outside prepping my garden, dragging a hose around to water plants and mowing the yard. This time last year, I think I WAS mowing.
Spring weather beckons us outside and I don’t think it matters one bit to my family that dinner gets pushed back by at least an hour. Our son is at that age where he enjoys playing back by the wood pile, on top of the dirt pile and out behind the shed. But that presents another challenge: getting him inside for dinner!
But Santa had the forethought to bring our son something to solve that problem: the dinner bell. After a trip to the museum to see Santa where he rang BOTH big belfry bells, Braden was hooked and that’s the only thing he asked for. Santa delivered.
My husband put the skid loader auger attachment on last night and with Braden’s help, mounted the bell on its yoke right outside our front door. Braden rang it (again and again) and I need to ask my grandparents but I’m betting they could hear it ¼ mile away at their house.
I bet when he’s playing out behind the shed, the dinner bell will bring him running. Maybe someday I’ll have the heart to tell him that Grandpa produced the dinner bell for Santa from his stash of antiques.
Until we walk again …