Ag Editors Invite Farm Broadcasters to Join

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s a crazy mixed-up world these days where broadcasters are taking pictures and writing commentaries while print journalists are doing podcasts and shooting video.

The American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA) is inviting farm broadcasters at the upcoming Commodity Classic to find out more about becoming a member by attending a joint cocktail reception with NAMA on Friday, March 1 after the trade show closes.

aaeaAAEA was founded in 1921 by a small group of farm magazine editors and while the majority of active members are still primarily “print” journalists, a number of broadcasters have joined the organization in recent years including past NAFB presidents Mike Hergert, Pam Fretwell and Tom Brand. AAEA individual membership includes active, affiliate, student and freelance categories and dues are very reasonable. Members of AAEA automatically become members of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ).

IFAJ Congress 2013“With the lines between print, television and radio journalism blurred by the internet, and journalists writing and producing content for a variety of media today, many farm broadcasters now qualify for membership in AAEA, and by extension in IFAJ,” say AAEA Membership co-chairs Betsy Freese with Successful Farming and Kelly Schwalbe of BCS Communications. “This includes access to a wide variety of continuing education programs and professional development program such as the annual IFAJ Congresses held in different locations around the world.”

Chuck and I have been members of AAEA and IFAJ for almost as long as we have had the company and really appreciate both the Ag Media Summit and the IFAJ Congress each year. AMS features a variety of photography, writing and social media workshops that are always useful in gaining and improving communications skills. And IFAJ has given us the opportunity to meet other ag journalists from all over the world. Really looking forward to this year’s trip to Argentina in early September.

Find out more about AAEA on-line and join us for a Commodity Classic reception with NAMA, March 1 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at the Gaylord Palms.


ACN, IFAJ, Media