2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Biggest and Best NFMS Looks to Get Bigger & Better

John Davis

nfms-13-rippetoeThe recent National Farm Machinery Show is touted as one of the biggest and best agricultural expos of the entire year, and it seems to live up to it billing, in no small part, due to the efforts of Rip Rippetoe (pictured during a TV interview), the new President/CEO of Kentucky Fair Board and his talented staff.

“People from all over the United States and the world come here because they know this is the place where you’re going to learn the latest trends, the best technology, and be able to meet and talk to people who are in the industry from all across the world and find out what it means to be in the ag industry,” Rip said.

With more than 860 exhibitors in a 1.2 million square foot indoor facility, attracting more than 300,000 visitors and pumping $22 million into the economy, Rip said it’s tough to see everything in just one day. He added that despite the facility being home to other noteworthy ag events, such as the North American Livestock Expo, the Kentucky State Fair, and beef and horse shows, they hope to do more and be even bigger in the future.

“I think there’s always opportunity. The question is: ‘How do we do it?’ People said we were maxed out on space last year, and our staff got creative and found ways to get more efficient and added booths [this year],” adding that they still sold out four weeks before the show, and they want to find a way to get those who have been on waiting lists to be part of the show.

You can listen to Chuck’s interview with Rip here: Interview with Rip Rippetoe

2013 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by FMC and New Holland Agriculture
Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, National Farm Machinery Show, New Holland