2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

MOSES Organic Farmer of the Year

Jamie Johansen

QRT_3988The Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) just announced their 2013 MOSES Organic Farmer of the Year. Congratulations to Charlie Johnson of Johnson Farms in Madison, SD.

Charlie farms with his brother, Allan and cousin, Aaron. The trio operates a organic crop and beef farm on 2800 acres.

Johnson’s organic process begins with his six-year crop rotation, which includes two years of hay, one each of soybeans, corn, again with soybeans, and finally oats planted along with alfalfa. This attention to detail has led to Johnson Farms being certified organic by the International Certification Service (FVO/ICS). Johnson’s crops are sold to National Farmer’s Organization (NFO) Organics.

Johnson’s care for the land does not stop at crops. He keeps his 200 head of Black Angus Gelbvieh hydrated with rural water, which keeps the cattle out of creeks and dugout ponds, thus preventing soil erosion and water contamination. Johnson also maintains the tree-belts, sloughs, meadows and grass waterways on his property. This land stewardship led to the farm being honored by the South Dakota Soil and Water Conservation Society in 1996.

The award has been presented since 2003 at the annual MOSES Organic Farming Conference. The non-profit organization works to promote sustainable and organic agriculture through trainings, workshops, educational initiatives and by providing free resources to farmers.

Beef, Organic