send news release today

New Farm Bureau YF&R Chairman

Chuck Zimmerman

Zach HunnicuttThe new Chair of the AFBF Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee is Zach Hunnicutt, Nebraska farmer. Many of you may follow Zach on Twitter @zhhunn. Now you’ll be following his travels in his newly elected position on this important Farm Bureau committee. Here’s Zach doing one of many media interviews at the AFBF annual meeting. I had my turn.

Zach is a Nebraska farmer. He farms with his Dad and brother and they grow corn, pop corn, seed corn and soybeans. He and his wife have been involved with Farm Bureau for several years. He officially took over his duties after the closing board meeting in Nashville. He says he’ll be doing a bunch of travel talking to groups about the activities of his committee and encouraging people to get involved. He will also be very involved in the next round of YF&R competitions that will take place at next year’s annual meeting. With all that travel I asked him if he was well equipped to keep up with his social media channels. Zach packs an iPad and a Droid so he should be in good shape. He says that social media has connected him to a lot of people from all over the country. By staying active he’s making a good agvocate! BTW. Zach is a board member of the AgChat Foundation.

You can listen to my interview with Zach here: Interview with Zach Hunnicutt

2013 American Farm Bureau Convention Photo Album

AFBF, Ag Groups, Audio