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American Farm Bureau Foundation Book of the Year

Chuck Zimmerman

Cat UrbigkitThe American Farm Bureau Foundation has awarded its sixth annual “Book of the Year” award to Cat Urbigkit for her book “The Guardian Team: On the Job with Rena and Roo.” Cat is being interviewed in the photo by farm broadcaster Bob Middendorf.

Cat is a western Wyoming sheep rancher who raises livestock protection dogs and burros. Her award winning book is aimed at 3rd and 4th graders and is a photo essay of a mix of animals she raised together while shooting photos of them as they grew up. It’s a true story about agriculture that is meant to educate youngsters. She says it’s more important that ever to create good educational materials for children today.

You can listen to my interview with Cat here: Interview with Cat Urbigkit

2013 American Farm Bureau Convention Photo Album

AFBF, Audio, Education