NAMA Executive Committee Meeting

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 379The executive committee of the National Agri-Marketing Association is hard at work on the business of the organization. At this quarterly meeting we review financials, committee reports, updates on the annual meetings, awards program and more. We’re also making sure we’re on the path laid out by the strategic plan.

NAMA Executive Committee MeetingI’ll have an update from our new President, Paul Redhage, FMC and Jenny Pickett, NAMA CEO, after our meeting concludes later today.

NAMA is in great shape financially and membership was up in 2012! Good news. How about considering becoming a member if you’re not? Young professionals have a special membership rate and if you become involved in your local chapter you’ll make friends and contacts within the industry that will be good for your career in many ways. Take a few minutes to join today.

Post Update: After our meeting concluded I had a conversation with Paul and Jenny that I’d like to share.

Listen to this week’s ZimmCast here: Looking Ahead with NAMA

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