2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Looking Ahead to 2013 Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a Merry Christmas from the Livestock Publications Council Board of Directors. They’re looking forward to a wonderful 2013.

Speaking of 2013 and LPC:

Forrest Bassford Student Award

We are happy to announce that Alltech will again be the major sponsor of the Forrest Bassford Student Award. Scholarship applications for the award are available on LPC’s website. This scholarship will be awarded in Buffalo, New York, at the 2013 Ag Media Summit (AMS). Also, up to four travel scholarships of $750 each will be awarded to deserving students who must be able to attend the AMS. If you have questions, contact: Scarlett Hagins, committee chairman, scarlett@kla.org. Deadline is February 15,2013.

2013 Ag Media Summit – Just Wing it!

Congratulations to Brian Reid, The Showtimes Magazine, who designed the winning logo for the 2013 Ag Media Summit. He gets a $200 “Christ- mas bonus” for his efforts! Watch for next year’s announcement when the logo contest takes place. You too can win the money!

The 2013 Ag Media Summit will take place August 3-7 in Buffalo, NY.

Ag Media Summit, LPC, Media