The 2012 NAFB Foundation Auction was a record success this year, raising over $22,000 according to Foundation president Ken Anderson of Brownfield Ag News.
Ken extends special thanks to Orion Samuelson, WGN Radio, Chicago, IL, for his generosity in donating the first two copies of his new book, “You Can’t Dream Big Enough.” That generous donation was multiplied by the generosity of the bidders, especially Patrick Gottsch (RFD-TV) and Evan Slack who were high bidders for the first book.
Auction chairman Greg Akagi says the first book was sold twice at the auction to both Evan and Patrick who paid a combined $7500 for it. Murray Wise Associates bought the second book during the silent auction for $200. “The total overall was $7,700.00!! And that made the Auction Chair very happy,” said Greg.
The now traditional boys versus girls bidding war over a weekend at the Lake Ozark home of Al Johnson and Sara Wyant (Agri-Pulse) ended in TWO weekends – twice the dollars for the Foundation – and since the boys club included my husband, it means we will be part of both!
Ken reports that they had 75 silent auction items and 13 live auction items this year and he thanked everyone who contributed to this year’s successful event, including the Foundation Auction Committee – Sally Behringer (MustangRED Communications, Lawerence, KS), Haylie Shipp (Northern Ag Network, Billings, MT), DeAnna Thomas (WMBD/WIRL Radio, Peoria, IL), Ty Higgins (Ohio Ag Net, Columbus, OH), and Carah Hart (Osborn Barr Communications, Kansas City, MO).
“My mind is already thinking ahead for the 70th Annual NAFB Convention and what we can do to make the NAFB Foundation Auction another great success,” Ken says. We need to think about donating a fishing weekend on the Gulf of Mexico!