2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New NAFB Officer Team

Cindy Zimmerman

This good looking trio will be the new officer team for the National Association of Farm Broadcasting in 2013.

From left to right they are: President-elect Janet Adkison of KMZU Radio in Carrollton, Missouri; President Mark Oppold of RFD-TV; and newly-elected Vice President Susan Littlefield of KZEN Radio in Columbus, Nebraska.

I talked with Susan last week after she won the election for vice president about some of her goals in the coming three years. “The broadcasters that I’ve talked to, no matter the size of their entity, they want a level playing field,” Susan said, noting that they want to be able to market and promote themselves better to clients and agencies. Another issue important to Susan is helping farm broadcasters talk to consumers more. “We kind of dabble in it here and there, but I think we really need to take a stand and say this is what happens behind that gate on those farms.”

Susan has been an NAFB member since 1996 and has worked her way up through the ranks to get to the position of vice president.

Listen to my interview with Susan here: New NAFB Vice President Susan Littlefield

2012 NAFB Convention Photo Album