2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

iPhone 5 New Agriblogging Tool 1st Impressions

Chuck Zimmerman

Hey Apple fans. Here are some first impressions of the new iPhone 5. This is not a review. Just a quick post of some thoughts after working with the newest coolness from Apple.

When I got home yesterday I found that my iPhone 5 had landed a week earlier than AT&T thought it would! So I set it up immediately and starting using it. It is exactly as promised, thinner, faster, lighter. It fits even better in my hand than the 4S which is important for one hand texting. I have a Motorola Droid Razr and my biggest complaint about it is how wide the phone is. The iPhone 5 is a beautiful piece of technology. Everything transferred over by using my iTunes backup and I was in business with a quick call to AT&T to activate.

The screen is incredibly sharp, making looking at photos a pleasure. I’ve only taken one photo so far but the camera worked just fine. I’ll be using it some this week and will update here if I have more to add. The camera in the iPhones have all been the best of any phone I’ve used.

I’m going to be using this new agriblogging tool to not only take photos this week at the new NAMA Fall Conference but also do interviews and perhaps shoot some video too. Hopefully, Minneapolis has AT&T LTE. Atlanta does and I used it this morning. Opening websites in Safari was lightning fast on the phone as was email. I connected my Macbook Air via Hotspot and got the same response on my computer and iPad. Wish LTE was everywhere! So on first impressions, I’d say this is an Apple winner.

I don’t have a case for the new iPhone yet. However, they are becoming available according to emails I’ve already received from Miniot, Griffin and OtterBox. I like my OtterBox case for my Droid Razr but the Miniot iWood 5 looks very cool.

BTW. It has been interesting to see all the app updates going on with the new iOS 6 out now. The new iOS has some big improvements and the new Apple Maps app is one of them. Takes a little getting used to but I use this app a lot. The AgWired App, which you can see on the screen, works perfectly on the new iPhone. Hope you have this free app on your smart phone.

I also tried out the new Apple ear buds this morning on the plane. They are a big improvement over the old ones.

For starters, they fit my ear. The old ones just wouldn’t. They are not noise cancelling but music sounds much better with more base. They have a nice little case to wrap them up in too. I need to learn how to get them back in the case though. Probably just takes practice.

So, I’m very happy with the iPhone 5 and since Apple sold out of 5 million of them the first weekend I’m betting there are a lot of satisfied iPhone 5 owners out there!
