RFA Ethanol Podcast

Monsanto to Launch Acceleron Seed Treatments

Cindy Zimmerman

Monsanto plans to introduce Acceleron® Seed Treatment Products with a new-generation fungicide for soybeans and cotton in the 2013 growing season.

These seed treatment products will contain multiple modes of action to deliver more complete and consistent disease protection, including a new fungicidal active ingredient with defense against Rhizoctonia and Fusarium, continuous protection from seed and seedling diseases and broad-spectrum insect protection.

The products are being evaluated in Monsanto field trials this season. The objective is to compare performance in terms of stand development and total stand survival, vigor enhancement and, ultimately, yield. In some plots, time-lapse photography was utilized to capture differences in emergence and early-season plant growth and health. While the focus is on disease, the trials also compared early-season insect protection.

I had the opportunity to chat with Monsanto Global Technology Soybean Lead Roy Fuchs at the Farm Progress Show. He talked about a number of soybean products in the pipeline for Monsanto, such as Roundup Ready Xtend. “Which is a combination of Roundup Ready 2 Yield plus dicamba tolerance for broader weed control of any glyphosate resistant weeds,” Roy explained, noting that they are hoping to launch that in 2014, pending regulatory approval.

When it comes to glyphosate resistance, Roy says they are stressing multiple modes of action for growers. “We have a program we call Roundup Ready Plus, where we’re actually recommending chemistry from other companies, but the best solution for weed control independent of whose product it is and it’s been extremely successful with growers and helping to manage resistance,” he said.

Listen to or download my interview with Roy here: Roy Fuchs with Monsanto

2012 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2012 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by New Holland and Monsanto Roundup Ready Plus
Audio, Farm Progress Show, Soybean