2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2012 NAMA Boot Camp Kicks Off

Jamie Johansen

The 2012 NAMA Boot Camp just got underway in Kansas City, Mo. Those just entering the working world, as well as veterans have come together to learn more about the agri-marketing industry. I had the opportunity to chat with Erin Nash with Woodruff Sweitzer and the events chair person, about what attendees can look forward to in the coming days.

“We are covering any and all things related to agriculture. Topics, events, new and notes that are timely and kind of the bread and butter of our industry to help either those new to the communications industry within the agriculture sector or those that need a little primer and help them to get up to speed on the lastest topics.”

Listen to my interview with Nash here: Interview with Erin Nash

Follow the event on Twitter using #12NAMABootCamp.

2012 NAMA Boot Camp Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, NAMA