2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Media Boards Meet

Chuck Zimmerman

Sunday is meeting day for various organizations here at the Ag Media Summit. First up is the Livestock Publications Council board meeting. I hope to get an update on the organization to add to this post a little later this morning.

Post Update: After the LPC board meeting I visited with current President Scott Vernon, Cal Poly, pictured in the center. Scott says things are going very well right now for LPC. The focus continues to be on member benefits and additional professional development and helping some of the younger members be able to participate. So membership and finances are in great shape.

You can listen to my interview with Scott here: Interview with Scott Vernon

Next will be the American Agricultural Editors’ Association board and then the National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow this afternoon. After that it’s reception time with a new members and first timers reception and then the Famous Welcome Party.

2012 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2012 Ag Media Summit is sponsored by FMC
Ag Media Summit, LPC, Media