RFA Ethanol Podcast

Support NAFB Foundation in Dix Harper’s Memory

Cindy Zimmerman

Some of our fondest memories of our early years in NAFB involve Dix Harper. Back in the days of regional meetings, Dix was always there with the rest of us in the Southeast. We will miss his smiling face at the annual meeting this year, as I’m sure we all will.

When Dix passed away on July 22, his family designated the NAFB Foundation as one of the charitable organizations to which memorial contributions can be made in his name. What a great way to honor the memory of a truly great friend of the industry!

NAFB Foundation President Ken Anderson of Brownfield Ag News says if you would like to honor Dix’s commitment and passion for our farm broadcasting profession, and help preserve the future of the industry by making a contribution in his name, please fill out the donation form on the NAFB website.