2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Holland Mega Media Event

Cindy Zimmerman

New Holland wants everyone to know that they are rejuvenated and back in the game for agriculture.

Not that they ever left the game, they’ve just been flying a bit under the radar for awhile and now New Holland North American VP Abe Hughes says they really want to get out and show they industry what they’ve got. “We’ve been so successful at our turnaround and our rejuvenation these last two years that we thought it was high time that we invite the media over to hear our story and give you a little insight as to our future,” Abe said.

The media day started on Wednesday with a trip down memory lane to the original brick building in New Holland, Pennsylvania where the company was started in 1895 by Abram Zimmerman, a Mennonite blacksmith who invented the freeze proof engine. Not sure if we’re related, but I am not only married to a Zimmerman, my mother’s maiden name was Zimmerman, so you never know!

We traveled just a short distance down the road by Amish buggy to the modern New Holland North American headquarters, a nice transition from the past to the present. Abe gave us a good overview of the company history and where they are today, with a stable management team and strong earnings to show for it. “I’m happy to say that New Holland North America was part of the success of our earnings release today,” he said. “We made $1.11 a share, which is well above the period last year and also well above what the analysts were predicting. We’re definitely pulling our weight and there’s much more to come!”

And there’s also much more to come on the New Holland Mega Media Event, including some media equipment test drives! I’m excited!

Check out the photos in the New Holland Media Event album and listen to my interview with Abe below:
Abe Hughes Interview

Audio, Equipment, New Holland