2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm Bureau Members Donate to Hunger Program

Cindy Zimmerman

The Farm Bureau “Harvest for All” program continued to grow in service to hungry Americans in 2011.

The farm and ranch families of Farm Bureau last year raised more than $556,273 and donated more than 10 million pounds of food to the program operated through Feeding America, a total of nearly 13 million meals. In addition, farmers and ranchers tallied 10,159 volunteer hours assisting hunger groups through Harvest for All in 2011.

Members of Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers & Ranchers program spearhead Harvest for All across the country, but all facets of Farm Bureau contribute to the effort. For the first time, 20 state Farm Bureaus heeded the call to action. The joint effort between Farm Bureau and Feeding America is a national community action program through which farmers and ranchers can help ensure every American enjoys the bounty they produce.

Since Harvest for All was launched nine years ago, Farm Bureau families have gathered more than 49 million pounds of food, logged nearly 60,000 volunteer hours and raised more than $1.8 million in donations. Combined, the food and money donations amount to more than 55 million meals.