2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Offers Soybean Practices & Weed Management Training

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC Corporation is helping to educate growers, retailers and crop consultants on soybean best production practices and weed management strategies through its CropPro University: Authority® Herbicide Training Module.

The set of three online training modules available through March 16, giving participants the chance to receive one continuing education unit (CEU) credit upon completion.

“CropPro University is actually an on-line training event that we’ve had for a couple of years now and we’ve expanded that to our soybean management practices for 2012,” said Matt Foster, product manager for FMC Agricultural Products. “To date, we have about 2500 retailers and growers have actually gone on-line to complete the first two modules.” Matt says they are spreading the word about the “cheapest CEU you can earn” this week at the National Farm Machinery Show.

The training provides an in-depth look at the value of weed management, including the benefits of preemergence herbicides and the Authority line of products. “There are four different brands and we’ve got one to fit any soil type or weed spectrum anywhere in the country,” he says. The place to find out more about the CropPro University and FMC Authority® on-line visit www.FMCAuthority.com.

Listen to or download my interview with Matt here: Interview with Matt Foster

2012 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by Fastline AgRacer FMC New Holland
Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, National Farm Machinery Show, Soybean