RFA Ethanol Podcast

BASF Announces Armezon Herbicide

Cindy Zimmerman

BASFBASF Crop Protection has announced the addition of Armezon™ herbicide to help corn growers deal with resistant weeds and take advantage of strong commodity prices with more complete, comprehensive weed management solutions.

According to BASF, Armezon helps growers maximize their yields by controlling tough, yield-robbing weeds while being safe to all corn types.

BASFA post-emerge herbicide solution for corn, Armezon controls problematic grasses and broadleaf weeds such as common lambsquarters, waterhemp, giant foxtail and crabgrass – including those with resistance to glyphosate, triazines, PPOs, and ALS inhibitors.

“Armezon is definitely tough on weeds,” said John Sabatka, Post Corn Herbicides Product Manager with BASF. “At the same time, it’s also safe to use on all field and specialty corn, regardless of trait – including the most sensitive varieties.”

Armezon also has a wider window of application when compared to most other post-emerge corn herbicides on the market. It is an excellent cross-spectrum tank-mix partner, which makes it particularly helpful for growers who rely on post applications of atrazine or glyphosate to manage tough weeds.

Find out more about Armezon from BASF.

BASF, Corn