RFA Ethanol Podcast

Small PRRS Projects Seeing Success

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Jim Lowe is an independent veterinarian and one of the attendees at the Boehringer Ingelheim PRRS ARC&E Seminar. He’s the guy on the Mac. I asked him why he attends this seminar.

Jim says that he spends a lot of time dealing with PRRS and this program allows him time to visit with colleagues and share information. He’s involved with several regional control projects and says this ability to share information is very valuable. He says these projects are “a tough row to hoe.” One of the things he’s been seeing is that the small well-defined projects with good producer participation are having some success. There’s that need for participation coming up again in one of my interviews. Jim says that sometimes it’s not so much a science project as much as a “persuasion” project to get producers to participate.

You can listen to my interview with Jim here: Jim Lowe Interview

2011 Boehringer Ingelheim PRRS ARC&E Seminar Photo Album

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Swine