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Cindy Zimmerman

Our friends with BASF Crop Protection were very busy at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk last week and rightly so, since they had plenty of new information to share with farmers.

Pictured here, left to right, are Sandi Wilson, Dr. Dan Westberg and Pat Morrow – about half the team from BASF at NAFB. This was Pat’s sixth year at NAFB and she loves it more every time she attends. “I just really love the farm broadcasters, it’s a hug fest for me,” Pat says. That’s one reason why they are so pleased to be able to be major sponsors at the convention by supporting the broadcast center and providing internet access for broadcasters.

Listen to my interview with Pat here: Pat Morrow with BASF

The other reason is purely professional. Farm broadcasters are a great way for BASF to get information about new products and offerings out to growers. I talked with Dr. Dan the Man about two new herbicides for 2012 to help growers manage resistant weeds such as glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth and waterhemp – Zidua® and OpTill® PRO. “Zidua herbicide is a brand new active ingredient currently waiting EPA registration,” Dan said. “It is a unique chemistry that has very broad spectrum control of grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds.” Dan says Zidua will provide the longest lasting residual control for Palmer amaranth and waterhemp in the market. Hence the name – Zidua, as in residual.

OpTill Pro herbicide was specifically developed for soybean growers to control a broad spectrum of grass and broadleaf weeds, including waterhemp. “We’ve taken our OpTill herbicide, powered by Kixor, and we’ve added Outlook® to it,” said Dan. “This makes OpTill Pro a premium residual option that provides burndown and residual control to help soybean growers start off clean and stay clean throughout the season.”

Both herbicides are expected to receive EPA approval in time for the 2012 growing season.

Listen to my interview with Dr. Dan here: Dr. Dan Westberg

2011 NAFB Convention Photo Album

Coverage of the NAMA Trends in Agriculture & NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF
Audio, BASF, NAFB, Soybean