2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NAMA Exec Committee Meets

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Agri-Marketing Association Trends in Agriculture conference provides an opportunity for the organization’s board to meet. Prior to the board meeting, the NAMA Executive Committee meets. Hey, it takes a lot of work to run this organization! Here’s the group getting things done today.

The program for Trends in Agriculture kicks off at 2pm tomorrow afternoon. The NAMA board will be meeting prior to that in the morning.

Heading over to the NAMA Exec. Committee meeting I have already run in to members of the U.S Farmers & Ranchers Alliance which is meeting today and tomorrow. I hope to get an update on their activities to share later today.

This is going to be a fun week of agricultural marketing and communications.

Coverage of the NAMA Trends in Agriculture & NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF