2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Busy Week in Kansas City

Chuck Zimmerman

The ZimmComm team is gearing up for a busy week in Kansas City. There’s a lot going on. First up will be the annual meeting of the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance followed by the NAMA Trends in Agriculture conference. Then it’s on to the NAFB convention. We’ll have full coverage on AgWired. To make it easy to see our coverage any time you want, get the AgWired smartphone app (iPhone and Android)!

You can find the NAMA Trends in Agriculture Agenda here.
Follow on Twitter – #NAMATrends

The NAFB Convention agenda here (pdf).
Follow on Twitter – #NAFB

Also, if you are attending the NAFB convention and want to know more about using your smartphone for broadcasting purposes, plan to sit in on Chuck’s session on Wednesday at 3:15pm.

We’ll be seeing you from Kansas City!

Coverage of the NAMA Trends in Agriculture & NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF