2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

America Needs Farmers at Iowa Football Game

Chuck Zimmerman

This is a great picture. It’s from the University of Iowa and Iowa Farm Bureau’s “America Needs Farmers” first-ever ‘card stunt’ at Kinnick stadium celebrating ANF Game Day a little over a week ago.

Today, the organizations jointly announced a $20,000 donation to the Iowa Food Bank Association in recognition of the “ANF” and “Farm Strong” initiatives.

“We are proud of our Hawkeye fans and we knew they would embrace the card stunt and, more importantly, ANF Day at Kinnick because they understand the many contributions farmers make to our family table and to our economy. We are also very proud of our partnership with the Iowa Farm Bureau. It’s one that is giving back to our communities in ways that go well beyond touchdowns on Saturday afternoons,” said Gary Barta, the UI’s director of athletics.

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