2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NCGA Social Media Webinar on Google + and Facebook

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning I’m participating in a National Corn Growers Association social media webinar. My input will be on Google + and there will also be information provided on Facebook. I am using Google + and although there are a number of things I like about it, I’m still have most of my “friends” on Facebook only so, there’s that consideration to keep in mind.

I don’t know if you’ve registered but you can do so on the NCGA website.

Today’s growers have a whole new set of tools to use on the farm when it comes to communicating the importance of what we’re doing, and it’s vitally important that we know how to use these tools well and that we have then at hand when we need them.

Throughout 2011, the National Corn Growers Association will hold a series of hourly webinars – online tutorials – to help our members and others learn how to use some of these tools, such as Facebook and Twitter. This series of monthly webinars is provided free, courtesy the generous support of Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont Business.

NCGA, Social Networking