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Early Registration Open For NAMA Trends in Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

Trends in Agriculture 2011 returns to Kansas City in November just before the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention and I’ll be there. Looking forward to a great program again this year.

Get the dates on your calendar now and save on registration when you take advantage of the special early bird rate.

Progress through Productivity is this year’s theme, and you’ll have the opportunity to examine it from every angle as it pertains to American agriculture.

Here’s an at-a-glance look at conference topics:

Find out about the new technologies and policies needed to meet the growing demands for increased export and trade.
Discover the latest trends in the development of plant-based fuels.
Get the real story on consumers’ perceptions of the use of technology in food production.
Learn tips you can use right away to increase your productivity.
Reconnect with colleagues and expand your network.

Go to for more information and full speaker line-up.