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Roundtable Focuses on Ag Human Resourses

Cindy Zimmerman

When we talk about having the resources to feed the world in the future, most of the time we’re thinking land and water, but having adequate human resources is equally, if not more, important.

That’s really what the 2011 North American Ag HR Roundtable is all about. To kick off the 9th annual event, being held this year at Purdue University, we were welcomed Monday afternoon by the Dean of Agriculture for the university Dr. Jay Akridge.

“Really the long term prospects for this industry are so bright, dealing with a growing population and increased need for food,” Dean Akridge said. “At the same time, it’s an industry that’s buffeted by tremendous change. So, this idea of how we manage for today, yet keep our eyes on tomorrow is really a fundamental issue as we prepare talent for the next generation.”

Dr. Akridge says Purdue was pleased to host the Ag HR Roundtable. “This is what we do, we’re an educational institution, we develop human capital,” he said. In addition, the event has become a great way to bring educators and employers together to work in partnership for the future of the industry.

Listen to or download my interview with Dr. Akridge here: Purdue Dean of Agriculture Interview

The Ag HR Roundtable continues through Wednesday – twitter hashtag is #AgRT if you want to follow along. Check out photos from the event in the 2011 AgCareers Ag HR Roundtable photo album.

AgCareers, Audio, Education