RFA Ethanol Podcast

AgHaven Continues To Develop

Chuck Zimmerman

Do you have your AgHaven account created yet? If not, what are you waiting for? AgHaven is still seeking feedback as it works to improve and finalize different elements of this new agricultural “community.”

AgHaven is a sponsor of my coverage of this year’s Ag Media Summit and they were giving a lot of tours to journalists here during InfoExpo. I spoke with Srik Soogoor, President, and asked him how AgHaven is developing. He says things are “going great.” Traffic is growing and feedback has been helpful. Based on that feedback they’ve made a number of improvements and more are planned. One of the things they’re working on is – mobile. They’ve got six apps in development for example!

Listen to my conversation with Srik here: Srik Soogoor Interview

2011 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by BASF and AgHaven
Ag Media Summit, Audio