RFA Ethanol Podcast

Wyffels Corn Strategies Strategy

Cindy Zimmerman

wyffels corn strategies illinois2011 marks the seventh year for Wyffels Corn Strategies and it just continues to get bigger and better. I talked with event coordinator Matt Barnard and Wyffels Hybrids director of marketing Jeff Hartz, pictured here together enjoying the Illinois event on Wednesday.

The concept for the event started in 2005 when the company gathered a small group of growers at a hotel in Springfield, IL. “There wasn’t really anything in the industry that just educated growers to get better at what they do,” Matt told me. “We now are moving them around Illinois and Iowa and last year we had about 1200 folks that joined us.”

The event this week was held on the Pratt family farms in Dixon, Illinois and next week it will be held July 20 in Malcom, Iowa at the farm of Marty and Dustin Cummings. Farmers who would like to attend can find out more here.

Listen to or download my interview with Matt here: Matt Barnard with Wyffels Hybrids

Jeff says Corn Strategies is not a high pressure sales event, it’s just a way they can help the “freethinkers” they serve. “We define a freethinker as somebody that knows more about their operation and their soil than the average farmer,” he explains. “Those kind of people who take the time to really get inside their acres really can find value with a company like Wyffels.”

Jeff adds that Wyffels’ customers have come to look forward to the Corn Strategies event each year. “They keep coming back and more of them keep coming back every year,” he said. “We think we’re on to something pretty special that really embodies our company and what we’re all about.”

Listen to or download my interview with Jeff here: Jeff Hartz with Wyffels Hybrids

Wyffels Corn Strategies 2011 Illinois Photo Album

Audio, Corn, Seed