2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Adding Sulfur? Watch Your Mixer

Chuck Zimmerman

You can make sure your mix is right when you get the Precision Laboratories Mix Tank App. And if you need a device to get it then get your entry in for the Mix Tank App iPod Giveaway. Here’s some advice about adding sulfur from the folks at Precision Laboratories:

Recent plant tissue testing has shown an increased need for sulfur in Midwest corn fields. Sulfur functions as a structural component of proteins and amino acids, a catalyst for chlorophyll production and as a nodulation enhancer in legume crops. With recent research showing a positive crop response to sulfur applications, retailers and growers are interested in adding sulfur to their corn fertility programs this season. But they may be heading for trouble.

One of the easiest ways to add sulfur in corn is to include ammonium thiosulfate (ATS) with urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) as a carrier for pre-emerge herbicide applications. But ATS can challenge the emulsifier systems used in most pre emergent crop protection products and cause incompatibility problems in your sprayer. These problems can reduce weed control, plug screens and nozzles as well as make clean-out more difficult and time-consuming.

Researchers from Precision Laboratories, the leading supplier of custom adjuvants and specialty chemistries, have screened numerous pre-emergent herbicide combinations with ATS, UAN and various compatibility agents. They found that while several compatibility agents worked well in UAN, most did not work well once ATS was added. Convert ™ compatibility agent was specifically developed for eastern corn belt customers to use in UAN and ATS tank mixes. On the market for more than 10 years, Convert has one of the highest rates of emulsification and will improve stability and eliminate compatibility problems associated with tank mixing UAN and ATS solutions.

Precision Laboratories recently released a simple and unique way to identify the correct mixing sequence for your crop protection products. The new Mix Tank app for iPhone and iPod Touch, is the first of its kind, helping you determine the accurate mixing sequence for pesticides, adjuvants and foliar nutrition products. With over 700 crop protection products from over 15 manufacturers, the new Mix Tank app can process any combination of products and determine the correct solution. Download the Mix Tank app at http://bit.ly/MixTank. And if you don’t have an iPhone, you can enter to win a free iPod Touch loaded with the app and other tank mixing resources. To register for the Precision Laboratories/ZimmComm iPod Touch giveaway, click here.

For more information, visit us at precisionlab.com.

Farming, Precision Agriculture