2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

GROWMARK Names 2011 Essay Contest Winner

Chuck Zimmerman

For the eighteenth year, GROWMARK held it’s Iowa Essay Contest. The winner in 2011 is Sarah Goode of Coggon, Iowa.

The theme of this year’s contest was “The Importance of Agriculture in Everyday Life.” In her contest entry, Goode said: “At the forefront of technology and innovative comprehension, agriculture provides for our basic needs and cravings, aiding our way of life to be physically and emotionally fulfilling.”

As the contest winner, Goode will receive a $500 scholarship from GROWMARK at the Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference, held in Des Moines during April. The North-Linn FFA chapter will also receive a $300 award in honor of her accomplishment to help future students.

Four state runners-up will each receive a $125 scholarship. The runners-up and their FFA chapters are, in alphabetical order: Katie Johnson, Okoboji FFA, Milford, Iowa; Dustin Konrad, Des Moines FFA, Des Moines, Iowa; Samuel Reilly, Midland FFA, Oxford Junction, Iowa; and Jordan Walker, Emmetsburg FFA, Emmetsburg, Iowa.

Education, GROWMARK