ARC Announces Agricultural Public Relations Hall of Fame

Chuck Zimmerman

The board of directors of the Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) has approved creation of the first agricultural hall of fame for public relations to recognize individuals for lifetime achievement. Our friends at Agri Marketing magazine are the founding sponsor of the ARC Agricultural Public Relations Hall of Fame. The first awards will be presented next year to one or more deserving ag public relations professionals.

“This new hall of fame will very simply and properly recognize legends in ag public relations,” said Deron Johnson, immediate past president of the ARC board of directors and creator of the concept. “As ARC marks its 58th anniversary in 2011, it’s a perfect time to launch a formal program that honors those who have made important contributions to the execution and advancement of agricultural public relations.”

Mace Thornton, president of the board, says ARC is the right organization to found and present this award each year. “Our mission is to serve the unique needs of public relations professionals in agriculture, food, fiber and other related industries,” Thornton says. “We are eager to recognize those who came before us and paved the way for what we accomplish today for the ag industry.”

During the organization’s annual meeting in Fort Myers, Fla., in February, the ARC board began considering a re-branded recognition program that would fold the current Founders Award into a revamped award to be presented annually by the national organization. Thus, the hall of fame concept was born.

“We are thrilled to be part of this new program,” said Lynn Henderson, Agri Marketing magazine publisher and founding sponsor of the ARC Agricultural Public Relations Hall of Fame program. “This new award is long overdue and we are excited to publicize and promote this program throughout the ag communications industry.

Thornton said a committee will be formed soon to develop criteria. This announcement is another in a series of developments over the past two years that has brought the ARC back to prominence. The ARC also recognizes creative work with the Golden ARC Award Program, also recently re-instituted by the organization.

If you’d like to serve on the committee please contact ARC President Mace Thorton or ARC Executive Director Den Gardner.