2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Food Check-Out Week Focuses on Healthy, Nutrition Food

Melissa Sandfort

Farmer and rancher members of many local Farm Bureaus are reaching out to consumers in their communities during Food Check-Out Week (Feb. 20-26) by offering information and cost-saving tips on putting nutritious meals on the table.

“Stretching Your Grocery Dollar With Healthy, Nutritious Food,” the official theme of Farm Bureau’s Food Check-Out Week, reflects the fact that Americans from all walks of life continue to work through an economic squeeze. Dining out less often and preparing more meals at home is the new reality for many Americans.

Since the program was initiated in the mid-1990s, Farm Bureau members have donated approximately $3 million in food and monetary contributions to Ronald McDonald Houses and other worthwhile charities during Food Check-Out Week. A number of studies have shown that rising energy costs for processing, packaging and transportation are the driving forces behind recent increases in retail food prices.

Participating county and state Farm Bureaus are holding events throughout Food Check-Out Week. Links to state Farm Bureau websites may be found here.

The third week of February was selected for Food Check-Out Week as a bridge to National Nutrition Month in March.

*Photo courtesy of American Farm Bureau.

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