2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Activate Poultry Health With Novus International

Chuck Zimmerman

Jared HuxI think I mentioned recently that I still had some interviews to share from the International Poultry Expo with our long time and much appreciated sponsor, Novus International. It has been a very busy time going from Poultry Expo to a blizzard at home, the Cattle Industry Convention and then the National Biodiesel Conference! Now it’s catch up time and I want to start by sharing this interview with Andres Montoya, Product Development Manager, Poultry. He was right at home in Georgia where he’s based. I wasn’t the only one interviewing him as you can see in the photo.

We got started right away with the “what’s new?” question. What’s new is Activate.

ACTIVATE® nutritional feed acid is a combination of Gut Environment Modifiers and HMTBa. ACTIVATE is used for Salmonella reduction programs and as an alternative to antibiotics in vaccination windows and withdrawal diets.

You can listen to my interview with Andres here: Interview With Andres Montoya

2011 International Poultry Expo/International Feed Expo Photo Album

AgWired IPE/IFE coverage sponsored by: Novus

Animal Health, Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo