2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Morning Temp A Nice Round Number

Chuck Zimmerman

I thought that when Cindy and I got to Atlanta last week we were not in the balmy south, but maybe we were. We got home last night and here’s what this morning’s temperature was. It actually said minus one before I stopped at a light to take the photo.

We’re in post AG CONNECT Expo and AFBF Annual Meeting recovery mode with some more stories to post and to get ready for the next agventure. We’ve got some pretty exciting announcements coming up and now I need to get to work on them.

One of those things is our move to a brand new web server with our hosting company, Joyent. We’ve been on some great hardware but now we’re moving to the latest and greatest. The move should be complete my this weekend. We’ve already moved about 13 websites for various clients and this weekend AgWired gets moved. It will mean no posting from about mid day Friday until Sunday. But I can take a day off. Really.
