RFA Ethanol Podcast

Tech Savvy Farm Journalists

Chuck Zimmerman

During the NAFB convention last week I conducted a session on new technology titled, “Tech Savvy – The Latest and Greatest Tools for Broadcasters.” Joining me was John Lynch, BSW USA.

We both showcased a variety of new digital tools for communications with a focus on portability and for use in the field. Of course in farm communications, field means something different than the average journalist out there. In this photo John is displaying a Comrex ACCESS PORTABLE that allows for studio quality sound delivered by a variety of means including phone lines, wifi and cellular service. Many in the room remember doing everything from hooking up alligator clips to a public phone handset to larger models of this new gadget. The studio base station even works with an iPhone or Android app so you can send studio quality audio via your phone!

John brought along several others gadgets including digital audio recorders like the new Zoom H-1 Handy Recorder.

BSW USA made it a door prize and the winner was Gary Jackson, ABN Radio. I’m wondering if his new recorder saw any action at Trade Talk before he got home. It is probably the smallest form factor recorder out there right now with a very affordable price point. As of this post it’s only $99 at BSW USA.

I showed some of the gear from my MOJO (mobile journalism kit) including the now world famous Golden ZimmComm Microphone which is actually a Heil PR-20. Cindy and I use them so much the paint wears off and Bob Heil asked us to send them back so he could put on a new coat! Problem is, when do I get the time to do that?

Besides BSW USA I also had donations of equipment from a variety of manufacturers, most of whom donated their equipment for door prizes. They included Cisco, makers of the Flip cameras, Sennheiser microphones, Blue Microphones, Azden shotgun microphones, Think Tank Photo camera/gear bags, Audio Technica microphones and Ultimate Ear buds. I’d really like to thank them for their support. It was a great session and one that I hope NAFB may choose to expand on in the future.

NAFB Convention Photo Album

Equipment, NAFB